Re-engage lists events happening during the holiday season so that isolated people can find good cheer and company to stave off feelings of loneliness

National charity Re-engage is working to fight loneliness during Christmastime which is the loneliest time of the year for young and older age groups.
The group provides a free online directory of events to encourage people to get together and spend time with others. More than 50 programmes have been listed in Wales so far.
All these celebrations are organised by third parties, says Kate Dzimati, the community Christmas coordinator at Re-engage.
She also mentions the key criteria for listing events with Re-engage. “They must be happening between 17 December and 1 January, and must be welcoming, inclusive and accessible for all,” she says.
Anyone looking to socialise more this season can book the events online or call the charity to make a booking for them.

Interested people can find activities happening in their area by entering their pin code on the website and selecting how far they are willing to travel. These events are open for all, but mainly host elderly people who might feel lonely during the holiday season.
We are looking for all sorts of events in Cardiff – coffee mornings, craft mornings, walks, etc that tick all the boxes
According to Age Cymru, more than 2.5 million older people in Wales feel they have no one to turn to.
To combat this, Re-engage’s Community Christmas directory has events like carols and cakes, afternoon tea meetings, community dinners, happening in Wales for older people. While some events are free, others charge a participation fee. Some hosts even provide perks such as free transport.

The charity is currently seeking more event organisers from Cardiff to list any programmes on their directory appropriate for those who feel lonely during the festive season.
“We are looking for all sorts of events in Cardiff – coffee mornings, craft mornings, walks, etc that tick all the criteria boxes,” says Dzimati.
If someone doesn’t have access to a computer or doesn’t know how to use one, they can ring 0800 716543. The charity will signpost them to events happening in their area.
Re-engage also hosts activity groups in Wales around the year for those above the age of 75 looking to connect with other people and stay active.
The community Christmas directory enlists events happening all over the UK, so if you have an older friend or relative who might benefit from some Christmas company, let them know.