Amateur music videos judged

"Luminous Lights' by WE ARE ANIMAL

Last year’s winners- “Luminous Lights’ by WE ARE ANIMAL. Directed by Cyrus Mirza and Nicolas Booth. Credit: Cyrus Mirza and Nicolas Booth

A music event which celebrates the emerging filmmaker talent in Cardiff will be held at the Urban Tap House on November 10.

The Cardiff Mini Music festival has organised the Mini Music Video Festival as part of the Oxjam Cardiff Takeover. The final 10 music videos have been whittled down from 44 entries and will be shown on the night and judged by  music video director Daf Palfrey, who has directed the Super Furry Animals.

Jody Tozer, event director, said: “We felt that music deserved its own special dedicated event due to Cardiff’s thriving music and filmmaking scene. There are many bands getting videos made for next to nothing and we want to show the talent. They do an incredible job with what they have.”

Music Video and Commercial Showreel 2013 from Daf Palfrey on Vimeo.