New play tackles autism myths

A new play, which aims to dispel some of the misconceptions around autism, will be performed at Chapter Arts Centre in the first week of December.

Touch Blue, Touch Yellow is the story of an autistic teenage boy whose parents are facing marital difficulties. The play explores the effect this has on their son.

Written by Tim Rhys and directed by Chris Durnall, the performance is presented from an autistic persons point of view. Tim says that he wants the play to tap into the autistic traits everyone can relate to such as wanting to belong as well as extreme anxiety and stress.

Chris explains, “There’s a lot of diverse opinion about how autism should be portrayed and discussed. We’re not asking people to agree with it, just to engage with it.”

Chapter Arts Centre, Autism

Chapter Arts Centre will host the play for seven performances from the 1 – 5 December. Picture; Chapter Arts Centre