Hip hop folk act come to Cardiff

Atomic Wednesday bring their distinctive mix of poetry, folk and hip hop to Gwdihw this month

Atomic Wednesday: Brad Morden (left) and Ian Keteku

The Canadian duo Ian Keteku and Brad Morden are both established poets, albeit from very different backgrounds.

Ian was a stalwart of underground rap clubs; bearded, plaid shirt-sporting Brad plays the ukulele in addition to writing and performing verse.

Having met at a poetry slam in their native Ottawa, the two began to experiment combining poetry and the ukulele.

The result, combining musical elements with humour and introspection has seen them perform worldwide, and an album is in the pipeline. “It’s a lot of fun, and hopefully the audiences can appreciate the Canadian stylings we’re going to bring to the show,” Ian said.

20 November, 7pm

Gwdihŵ Café Bar 029 2039 7933

Entry fee: donation