Brains to open first restaurant

Brains will open a bar and grill in the capital

The Model Inn is still undergoing refurbishment

Brains is opening its first standalone restaurant in Cardiff early next month as it diversifies into the hospitality industry.

The Cardiff brewery announced its plans to reopen The Model Inn on Quay Street as a restaurant just weeks after it bought local cafe chain Coffee#1. The bar and grill will be named Greenwood and Brown and serve simple, quality food.

“We’re seeing ourselves now much more as a hospitality business,” said retail director Philip Lay. “Dining is a big part of that.”  He added customers expected more from a pub than a pint and a packet of crisp.

Food now accounts for 35% of Brains’s sales and up to 70% in some of its 250 pubs across Wales, the West Country and the Midlands.