Food Bank’s coming to Tesco

The Cardiff Food Bank is looking for volunteers for a collection service on the 27th, 28th and 29th of November.

The collection will take place at three different Tesco stores across Cardiff. Volunteers on the day will be divided into three teams, each carrying out different jobs. They will be on hand from nine until five on each of the three days to talk to people, give out shopping lists, direct people and help sort the food.

Just some of the hundreds of volunteers who have helped out with the Food Bank.

Just some of the hundreds of volunteers who have helped out with the Food Bank.

Approximately 100 to 150 volunteers are required to make the day a success but according to Cardiff Food Bank manager Catherine Williams this is not just a one-off event.

She said, “We do supermarket collections throughout the year on a regular basis. We are hoping to do one in Waitrose in January for instance.”