Community interest group Green City Events is campaigning to stop a derelict park from being sold for redevelopment by Cardiff Council
The Activists Café is still busy seeking change two years after its launch and climate change is top of the agenda this November
A course on first aid for dogs hopes to raise funds for charity as part of National Diabetes Awareness Month...
The Wales for Peace exhibition allows visitors to explore the impact Welsh communities have made towards campaigning against conflict
People in Wales are drinking too much, says health secretary, Vaughan Gething, so what should be done this Alcohol Awareness Week?
A candidate for First Minister will ban smoking in city and town centres and outside cafes and restaurants, but not everyone is happy
Welsh Hearts raises funds for public defibrillators and presses for better accessibility and more public support to save Welsh lives...
The Ethnic Minority Welsh Women Achievement Association (EMWWAA) are crowdfunding for a new project that will profile the achievements of BME woman in Wales
His family were murdered by the Taliban, if he's deported he will be too. Cardiff Humanists are fundraising so he can claim asylum
Cycling UK suggest that Welsh Government measures to reduce air pollution are not enough, and need to focus on encouraging active transport