Young people increasingly seek connection online, but a choir's Welsh Wellbeing Award suggests the answer to combating loneliness could lie in Welsh history books
This issue focuses on the rise of loneliness within young people in Wales. It discusses how the cost-of-living crisis has also impacted this
The cost of living crisis impacts everyone, but for young people there is real concern that not being able to afford to socialise adds to increasing feelings of loneliness
A number of people within the UK fear that they will experience loneliness during the cost of living crisis due to limiting their socialising costs
87,000 older people in Wales were not looking forward to Christmas in 2021 because they expected to feel lonely
While letter writing was once a dying art, the practice has gained new-found purpose in connecting those young, old, and everything in between
Cardiff council is setting up official ‘chat benches’ in local parks to encourage members of the community to talk to each other
With Christmas approaching, young people are working to combat loneliness
Initiative to tackle social isolation aiming to start in city