People living and working in Penylan are asking Cardiff Council to introduce measures to slow down traffic by the junction.
Almost 300 people have signed the petition that Cardiff Liberal Democrats have started to make the junction between Kimberley Road and Blenheim Road safer.

Credit: CNP
According to some residents, cars drive very fast and they don’t respect the speed limit in the area. They also say that some cars don’t even stop to give way, because the sign is not well visible and there should be more lights on the junction.
Several accidents have already happened and residents say that if nothing is done, someone will get seriously injured or killed.
Amber Efstathiou, who works at the Penylan Pantry cafe, right in front of the junction, says that last December, a car crashed near the cafe, hit her bike and knocked down a lamp post. She says that if people had been sitting at the tables outside, they would have been injured.

Credit: CNP
One of the biggest worries of the residents is the fact that Marlborough Primary School is 300 meters from the junction and parents are afraid for their children.

Credit: CNP
Nicola Jenkins, who lives in Kimberley Road and has two children who go to Marlborough Primary School says that the Council needs to intervene, because the junction is like a “horror movie”.

Credit: CNP
Councillor Caro Wild, the Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning and Transport says the Council acknowledges that the situation is critical and will start a public consultation in the next few weeks about speed bumps to slow down traffic. But he also says that their budget is limited and they have to think about other more dangerous areas of the city.

Credit: CNP
Residents say they appreciate the Council’s help, but they say that money cannot come before people.