Welsh Government launches new anti-bullying guidance

The Welsh Government has published new guidance aimed at tackling bullying in Welsh schools.

The new statutory guidance includes a requirement for schools to record all bullying and monitor the effectiveness of anti-bullying strategies.

Local authorities will also be required to assess the effectiveness of their anti-bullying strategies.

Kirsty Williams, Cabinet Minister for Education, said: “We are committed to ensuring all our learners feel safe, secure and are properly supported to achieve their full potential.

“We want our schools to be inclusive and engaging environments where priority is placed on well-being so that learners feel safe and ready to learn.

“It is so important that children and young people are taught at home and at school about building respectful relationships and this new guidance will help us achieve that.”

One in 10 secondary school pupils in Wales are bullied every week according to figures released from the Schools Health Research Network.

Linda James is the founder and CEO of Cardiff based charity Bullies Out who facilitate workshops for school children and adults across Wales and the UK.

CEO of the Bullies Out charity, Linda James, welcomed the advice from the government but said it is vital authorities’ policies are held to account.

“It’s great that this legislation includes parents as well because although students are in school for six hours a day, it’s not just the school’s responsibility to deal with bullying.

“As well as all authorities and workplaces having a policy, it also has to be compulsory that they work to that document and review it on a regular basis.

“These documents also have to identify the three different areas that we experience: conflict, bullying and assault.

“Authorities have to understand that when you have twelve children attacking a child and videoing it, that isn’t bullying, that is assault.”

Anti Bullying Week runs until Friday November 15 with schools across the United Kingdom taking part.