People in Llanfrechfa are opposing Torfaen Council plans to build up to 1,200 homes on countryside near the village.
A petition against the proposal currently has close to six hundred signatures.
The council says it wants to create suitable housing for staff of the new Grange University Hospital that opened in the area last November.
Amy Bubela, who lives in Llanfrechfa, said a development of the size being discussed is concerning.
“It’s going to bring a number of environmental issues such as a loss of wildlife and natural habitats. It’s also going to bring extra traffic to the village, which is only served by one main road.
“Torfaen is a very urbanised area and we’re lucky to live in a rural ward and be within a few yards of countryside. If the development goes ahead then there won’t be a lot of green space left in Torfaen which could cause real problems with pollution in the area.
“We’re a small, rural community just north of Newport and just east of Cwmbran and this would all be lost. We want the council to hear our voices and listen to our concerns.”

If approved, the project currently has plans for 180 new homes on the site by 2023 and 600 homes by 2033, though this may increase.
Conservative councillor for the area Huw Bevan said he would play his part in stopping the development going ahead: “It’s inappropriate to put that number of houses in such a small village.
“It’s going to completely change the character of the village and I think that will bring a sense of loss for the community spirit and peoples place in the area.”
Torfaen County Borough Council has been approached for a comment.