Nearly 900 people have now signed a petition calling on Cardiff council to protect the future of Whitchurch Tennis Club. This comes after campaigners say the landlords are planning to sell the land to housing developers.
Campaigners are hoping that the petition will “influence the council in terms of the local development plan that is going to be put together”.
Ian Vancombe, who’s a member of the club says that “We feel that spaces like this should be available for community use and hope that the petition can show the strength of the feeling to the council of this particular facility”.
The club has been at the heart of the community since the 1920s and is used as a community hub with a variety of events happening there. Ian Vancombe mentioned, “There’s things like a yoga club, a welsh class and a mother and toddler group”.

Marc Parmer, Labour councillor for Whitchurch and Tongwynlais says that “It’s a huge asset for the community” and it “would be a huge loss to the community, to schools, to everyone if the tennis club were to be closed”. But as the club is on private land, the council has no power to make a decision” but adds “I hope there can be some coming together and it can resolve any issues …… and the club can thrive”.
The Landlords are yet to comment.
Campaigners are hoping to reach more than 1600 signatures before taking the matter to the council.