People living in homes that are not considered fire safe are calling on the Welsh Government to make faster changes....
Nineteen percent of private renters in Wales are worried about being evicted.
They want the water tested to see if there is a public health issue
The Council received nearly 7000 applications for Social Housing last year.
Cowbridge Girls School was the first secondary school for girls in England and Wales. But today is at risk of being knocked down and replaced with flats and houses.
People in Llanfrechfa are opposing Torfaen Council plans to build up to 1,200 homes on countryside near the village.
People in Cardiff are being warned that a sea level change in only 30 years could lead to mass flooding,...
United Welsh Housing Association’s plans to build social housing on the land behind Plasturtwyn Terrace in Llanbradach have sparked huge concern...
Conservative councillor Kathryn Kelloway said tents used by homeless people make the city unsafe....
Proposals to redevelop a bungalow into ten, two bedroom flats opposite Cardiff High School is being opposed by residents and...