Your own nightclub at Chapter

This weekend, express yourself and become part of the art

Hopefully you will still be standing after exhausting all your ideas and best dance moves (Photo courtesy of Iain Findlay-Walsh)

WERKDOCK, part of the Experimentica 1.1 festival, which takes place from October 12 to October 16, sees Fritz Welch and Iain Findlay-Walsh, two boundary-pushing improvisational performers and musicians, transform a space in Chapter into a nightclub of ideas and imagination.

The area will evolve from an office space, and mutate into a club. The exciting experience climaxes on October 15 with a party event hosted by Cardiff painter and performance artist, Andre Stitt. Iain says: “The piece is in a sense about participation… We’re looking for as many people as are interested to help us execute a party which can take some responsibility for itself.” So join in this “microcosm of the festival” with all your friends, tools, dancing shoes, and an open mind.