Record collection for foodbank

Cardiff Foodbank has collected unprecedented amounts of food this autumn

The new warehouse extension with harvest food reading for sorting Image: Ian Purcell

Over eight tonnes of food donated from harvest collections has been shipped to the Foodbank warehouse. This food will help people in Cardiff who are unable to feed themselves due to hardship.

Harvest is the busiest time of year for Cardiff Foodbank. Project manager, Ian Purcell, said of previous years, “We were overwhelmed with food, but then we were shocked by how quickly it disappeared. By November and December most of our harvest food had gone.”

The Foodbank’s warehouse will be well stocked from harvest donations, but there has been a 20-30% increase in demand due to the recession. “This year we’re obviously working at a different scale completely in terms of having more food,” said Ian, “But we’re also feeding twice the amount of people.”