No ordinary karaoke night

An evening of song and performance where you are the star

A volunteer singing at a previous event. Image commissioned by Yvonne Buchheim

Chapter Arts centre plays host to ÜBERSONG, a one-night event where the audience are invited on stage to sing their favourite song, regardless of their vocal ability.

The event aims to get people out of their comfort zone and perform in front of an audience. Choosing a song and taking to the stage can be a daunting yet reflective experience. “It’s something that makes us aware of how we live and shows us how songs can be linked to our identity.” said organiser Yvonne Buchheim.

The event also offers advice on how to overcome stagefright. “ÜBERSONG is also about expectations and what happens when we don’t perform to the high standard we set ourselves.” said Yvonne.

The event runs on 23 November 2011 from 8-11.30pm. Admission is free.