New band perform classic and new pieces

Musicians Simon Phillippo, David Adams and Rosie Biss will perform a classic and a newer piece at Cardiff Museum’s Coffee Concerts (Photo credits: Peter Reynolds)
Members of the Welsh National Opera will perform a new piece next month, at Cardiff Museum.
Musica Viva, a newly-formed piano trio, will play a classical piece by Schumann and a newer piece by Nicholas Maw on December 11.
The group is made up of pianist Simon Phillippo, conductor of the Welsh National Opera, violinist David Adams, leader of the orchestra, and principal cellist Rosie Biss.
The group are very interested in new music and combine this with their passion for the more classical pieces.
Simon says, of Nicholas’s piece, “I hope we will show our audience what an outstanding piece of music it is and that they might want to hear it again. It is extremely demanding to play, but also very rewarding.”