Scratch That Itch theatre invites a new kind of audience participation

A performer during Scratch That Itch in Swansea in July (photo by Chris Hoyle)
A new theatre night is coming to Cardiff, starting this Wednesday 30 November at Milgi Lounge.
The free event, called Scratch That Itch, gives local performers the chance to showcase new material and receive feedback from supportive audiences.
Having already garnered an enthusiastic following in Swansea, organiser Brent Morgan now feels confident about staging the event in the cosy setting of the Milgi yurt.
“People are surprisingly willing to give advice, especially when everyone hangs around in the bar afterwards!” Brent claims.
Audiences watch acts for up to ten minutes, and are then encouraged to talk about their responses with the performer.
He says, “When you have ideas it is important to try them out and get feedback from others to see if an idea is worth pursuing or not.”