Stadium to host poignant art film

Shoja Azari plays the role of the male Iranian vocalist in Turbulent

The Millennium Stadium is gearing up for a special film screening by Iranian artist Shirin Neshat on 18 October.

The film Turbulent is part of the two month Outcasting: Fourth Wall (O:4W) artists’ moving image festival taking place across Cardiff throughout October and November.

Neshat’s film, portraying the complexity of gender roles in Iran, will play out in two parts on the large screens above the rugby pitch.

Co-Curator of O:4W, Michael Cousin, said: “We’re thrilled to be showing such an emotive film in the stadium, where the acoustics should create an incredibly rich experience for the viewers.”

O:4W will also be screening the work of Katie Davies and Donald Harding. Doors open at 5pm for a 5.30pm start. To book a free ticket email