Boulders holds new competition

Boulders’ new climbing competition, Route Master, offers routes for all abilities

Cardiff’s leading climbing centre, Boulders, has launched a new climbing competition, Route Master, this winter.

The format is similar to last year’s BMC Leading Ladder, but has this year introduced top roping for lower level grades. Beginner or pro, there are a variety of routes to suit all abilities.

To be in with the chance of winning £100, climbers are required to submit self-scored cards from at least four different rounds before the final on 13 April 2013.

Senior climbing instructor, Tym Miller-White, says, “The competition is meant to be a bit of fun, so get training and we hope to see you there!”

The third round of six begins on 22 December. The competition is free to enter; entrants need only pay entry to Boulders.