Ffotofestivities decoration workshop


Last year’s Ffotofestivities bunting workshop. Photo by Rowan Lear.

With Christmas fast approaching, why not forgo shop-bought baubles and bunting in favour of your own photographic creations made at the Ffotofestivities workshop?

The Ffotogallery team will show participants of all ages and abilities how to create unique Christmas trimmings such as 3D printed baubles and photobunting. The workshop takes place at the beautiful Turner House on Saturday 8 December from 11am – 4pm. What’s more, it costs nothing and includes a complementary mince pie and hot drink.

“We’re really excited to bring back Ffotofestivities again this year,” said Helen Warburton, the Exhibitions Officer at Ffotogallery. “We hope it will be a welcome antidote to the chaos of Christmas shopping and offer an alternative arts experience that will be good for the soul!”