Cardiff’s new dance scene proves popular

Lindy hopping at Cardiff's Four Bars

Lindy hopping at Cardiff’s Four Bars

Cardiff’s swing scene has only just emerged but its classes are seeing up to 60 people a night.

American born, the 1930s swing dance that bridged the gap between Charleston and Rock ‘n’ Roll, has become fully integrated into vibrant cultures worldwide.

Founder of Lindy Hop Cardiff, Anna Rogers said, “I fell in love with swing due to its energy, sense of fun and social element, here in Cardiff there is a real buzz developing.”

Anna, who teaches with experienced dancer Ollie Parham, offers Lindy Hop to a mix of people at all levels, through a range of classes.

She said, “I have been really keen to not only teach people this dance but also offer an alternative option for a night out in Cardiff.”
