Books brought to life by art exhibition

“Books of the Unexpected” offers a different perspective in the world of literature. Photo by Mair Unwin

Books of the Unexpected offers a different perspective in the world of literature. Photo by Mair Unwin

Down at Craft in the Bay, Books of the Unexpected offers a new side to the world of books, proving that movies aren’t the only way to bring books to life.

The exhibition presents a variety of pieces inspired by books. It shows the artists’ interpretations of the words they read into something visual, and have given them a new lease of life beyond the pages.

“Good stories are very sticky and stay with you long after the last page has been read,” says Betty Pepper, one of the contributing artists who has a piece heavily inspired by Roald Dahl.  “I have always loved Roald Dahl and his stories are some of the stickiest.”

Bookworm or not, “Books of the Unexpected” is a library of imagination.