Sword dancers thrill Cardiff crowds

A miners’ sword dance tradition has swashbuckled into Cardiff, with the new dance team creating a buzz in the city. 

Taff rapper Alt Cardiff week 6 culture

Taff Rapper perform in the Pen and Wig. Their sashes are green and red to represent the colours of the Welsh Flag

Taff Rapper sword dancers perform their routines in packed pubs, wowing punters by tumbling and twisting round short swords made of sprung steel. 

The dances were originally created by 19th century miners in the north-east of England who turned their mining tools into swords, and Taff Rapper are planning to wow audiences at the Ruff Ceilidh, Heath Hospital, on 15 January. 

Founder, Edwin Dyson, 40, said, “I love performing because it’s a little bit dangerous, particularly with somersaults. 

 “Taff Rapper enjoy showing Cardiff’s punters something new – there’s nothing better than seeing the surprised look on people’s faces when we start, before hearing the applause for a dramatic finish.” 

Taff walk round alt Cardiff week 6 culture

Five people are needed to perform a dance routine, with each person holding a sword  in either hand, so that the dancers are linked together

Click here to see Taff Rapper in action during a workshop held on October 18 in Albany Road Baptist Church.  
