The youth-led campaign group, UK Youth for Nature (UKY4N) have painted a Kingfisher mural on Atlas Place, Cardiff to draw attention to the increasing loss of wildlife.

UKY4N run a campaign called, ‘Natural Kingdom: Wild Walls’ where wall paintings, similar to the Kingfisher mural, in different major cities in the UK are created by artists who share the same passion for wildlife conservation. Cardiff is one of those major cities and is the home to a striking image of a kingfisher, created by artist, Spike Clark.
The mural was painted in Cardiff to mark the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), which is taking place between the 31st of October and the 12th of November.
Glesni Lewis is part of the team who runs the campaign and hopes that the murals will serve to remind to the people of Cardiff the importance and beauty of the natural world.
She said, “An incredible amount of hard work has been done by the UKY4N team to make these walls even more wonderful than imagined.
“Each wall is vibrant and highlights species and habitats that are associated with the area in which the mural is painted so that each wall is relevant to the local community.”
Glesni believes that the murals will urge the public to “take action” to prevent the loss of wildlife and nature.
She explained, “This campaign is a pledge to engage the public to take an urgent stance to protect nature by capturing their attention through visual art and imagination.
“We need to be taking innovative approaches to engage people to take action.
“Art is not only great for its ability to draw attention, but it is also a powerful tool for sharing information.
“We hope the murals are an everyday reminder to passers by that there is no time like the present to take action.”