Food for thought on your frozen goods

Love Food Hate Waste (LFHW) will make its way to Cardiff on 6 November as part of its 10 city tour. LFHW’s Big Freeze event will demonstrate how freezing and defrosting food saves you money whilst reducing food wastage.

The Glasgow Big Freeze event held on 3 October

Visitors at the Glasgow Big Freeze event held on 3 October. Image credit: Love Food Hate Waste

“Throwing away good food and drink costs us £12.5 billion a year,” said Emma Marsh, head of LFHW. “If we ate it, instead of wasting it, the impact on our environment would be the equivalent of taking one in four cars off the road.”

In addition to mouth-watering meals made from frozen and fresh food, residents will get practical advice on making the most of their freezer’s contents.

“No good food needs to go to waste and it’s easy for us all to make a difference,” concluded Marsh.