Flannel! An evening of tolerable comedy

Flannel! is a self-deprecating musical comedy night. Head down this Thursday to see if they’re as adequate as they say

Jeff Japers

Flannel! is the brainchild of Jeff Japers and double act Sheep & Mash. Photo: Jeff Japers

A team of comedians are performing at a musical comedy night on November 30. Flannel!, described as an evening of tolerable musical comedy, will have its first ever performance at The Big Top, starting at 8pm.

The comedic evening is a group venture, the brainchild of Jeff Japers and double act Sheep & Mash. The duo, who perform under the stage names Martin Sheep and Mark Mash, are new to the comedy scene and met Jeff at their first ever gig.

Jeff had the idea for Flannel! after being inspired by Sheep & Mash’s performance. The three discovered a mutual love for both the Yamaha PSS 680 keyboard and alternative comedy acts. Flannel! was created to cater to these kind of acts.

“We thought he was joking when he told us he wanted to start a night with us” said Connor Ford, who performs under the name Martin Sheep, “Truth be told we forgot all about it and had to cancel some really important stuff. It’s really hard to reschedule an ingrown toenail removal.”

Sheep and Mash

Comedy duo Sheep & Mash will be hosting the evening. Photo: Sheep & Mash.

The event will be hosted by Sheep & Mash, with Jeff starting the night off with some anthropomorphic whimsy, aided by his ukelele, keyboard and a slide show. Also joining the evening are Sheep & Mash’s Liverpudlian friends John & John, and the winner of this year’s Welsh Unsigned Standup Award, Josh Elton.

Jeff’s band Gaudy Orde will be closing the night’s activities. The local band, who count legendary musical comedian Spike Jones as among their influences describe themselves as fun and flippant. Their choices of instruments are certainly unconventional, counting a washboard, a bazouki and the spoons amongst their arsenal.

Despite this being their first event together, and the first ever performance of Flannel!, the team seem optimistic about the evening, promising that an evening of tolerable musical comedy is guaranteed.