Cardiff's trial of a return cup programme has saved over 3,000 single-use cups so far across the 15 cafes taking part
To create a stronger tourism identity for Wales, Welsh Government is encouraging hospitality businesses to put more Welsh food and drink on their menus
11% of Welsh population vape with a Public Health Wales consultant says vaping is ‘affecting health and wellbeing non-stop’
Christmas is a time of generosity, with shoppers and people celebrating flocking to the city centre, but what about the locals that usually make the area their place of residence?
‘There is no right way to dispose of these as there is wiring, batteries, and fluids” says local vape shop staff
James Bourne, 47, a trainer in the Kalah Combat System is offering free classes for young people following South Wales knife crime incidents
Coffee drinkers can donate their fully stamped loyalty cards at Brodies' cafes to help the homeless this Christmas
Various activists are using street art around the city to raise awareness of climate concerns and its impact on the cost of living
BBC 100 in Wales explores the history between the BBC and Welsh audiences, while looking into the future of broadcasting for younger generations
Local singer-songwriter Ffion Wren is writing about topics people don’t like to talk about, making way in the industry for personal and taboo songwriting