There is also a new charge for green waste collection from 1st July 2023.

Black bins in the Vale of Glamorgan will now be collected every three weeks from July 2023. The decision comes as the Council faces financial pressures despite the announced increase in local government funding from the Welsh Government. This comes in the same week that locals were told that council tax could also be increasing by 4.9%.
A Vale of Glamorgan Council spokesperson said: “We are facing a budgetary shortfall of around £9 million, with the cost-of-living crisis a key reason for that. The measures referenced are some of the service changes being considered across the Council as part of its budget-setting process.”
The move will save the Council on estimated £150 thousand pounds per year.
There will also be a new charge for green waste collection. From 1st July onwards, green waste collection will be an annual subscription service with residents having the option of two services – £20 for a standard service or £30 for an enhanced service.
Cllr Mark Wilson, the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood and Building Services, emphasised what the services would offer.
“For £20 during that year, you can have four green bags collected every fortnight,” he said in the Cabinet meeting. Locals will also have to give the Council three days to collect the green waste. Cllr Wilson also said that the green waste charges won’t affect all residents as only forty percent of households in the Vale of Glamorgan use the green waste service.
“I won’t have to throw the bags out so frequently!“
But the changes are concerning locals. Tracey Alexander, who lives in the Vale, says
“I’m not really very happy about it. I think they ought to have a trial it first right across the area.”
Ms Alexander tries to remain positive but the changes she says will have a great effect on the community.
“I won’t have to throw the bags out so frequently! But seriously, I’m worried about the vermin on the streets, or vermin inside the houses more like.”
“A kick in the teeth for residents“
Cllr Dr Ian J. Johnson, the Plaid Cymru Group Leader for the Vale of Glamorgan Council, says the decision will escalate other refuse problems.
“Leaving black bags uncollected for three weeks assumes that houses have the capacity to let black bags pile up for three weeks at a time. I am concerned this will lead to extra fly-tipping, which is already a problem in many places.”
Cllr Johnson also says the green waste subscription directly opposes the Council’s previous stance on environment. “Charging for collecting green waste from gardens is in direct opposition to the promotion of biodiversity in urban areas.”
Cllr George Carroll, the Conservative Leader for the Council, says the Cabinet need to listen to the residents.
“At the same time they’re being asked to cough up an extra 4.9% in council tax, residents are also being told services will reduce. These proposals are a kick in the teeth for residents and the council must think again and drop them.”
The Council encourage locals to share their thoughts by visiting their dedicated budget consultation page here.
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