With almost a quarter of Brits unable to make a pancake, an expert gives us their insight
The process may seem simple but for many, the perfect pancake remains a flat-out mystery.
According to a YouGov poll, 23% of Brits are unable to make a pancake from scratch, instead relying on premade pancake mix and local dessert shops.
With today being Pancake Day, CJS News wanted to find a local expert to help uncover the mysteries of the world-wide staple.

Taslima Ali opened Pink Kiwi in February 2021, and since then her American-style pancakes have become famous in Cathays.
‘I’ve been making these pancakes for 10 years so it comes natural to me – even my kids can make them!’ Taslima said.

Luckily for us, Taslima is willing to give away some of her trade secrets.
These are her top five tips:
- Thick is best – For fluffy American-style pancakes, you will need a nice thick batter. You need to be able to pour the mixture into the pan without it losing height.
- Get rid of all those lumps – Don’t be lazy when you’re mixing the batter. Make sure that the flour is completely incorporated into the batter otherwise you will have heavy floury lumps.
- Be gentle – It’s all a balancing act. If you overmix the batter then you could lose air bubbles that give the batter height. Keep the mix light and fluffy.
- Let it rest – Leave the batter to one side for about an hour so that the air bubbles can rise to the top. This makes the pancakes fluffy and tall.
- Don’t be scared of butter! – Adding butter to the pancake mix makes the dough rich and stops it from becoming dry. You could even put butter in between each pancake. For one day a year – why not?
And her final tip? Share them!
‘For me, Pancake Day is about family time. I prefer to make pancakes at home with my kids then eat out’ she said.
Sweet or savoury, fluffy or thin, don’t let a lumpy batter ruin your pancake day this year!