48% of the British people are stressed at least once a week, for 12%, that is every single day. Additionally, over 15 million days are lost every year due to employees suffering from stress.

Karen, work in hospital

“No particular stress, If l do, I probably eat food, chocolate and some other sweet food. I do not really get stress very often. Most of my stress comes from looking after my five grandchildren.”
John, receptionist in hotel

“Three times a week, due to certain circumstance at work and certain people a work, but I got home, have a cup of coffee and watch anime. Personally, I am an anime fan, so watch anime, listen to a bit music, that is my favourite.”
Kwinter, IT consultant

“I feel stress three times a month, the stress comes from my job, l need to finish a lot of work before the deadline. I do play classical violin to relax myself.”
Ikky, salesman

“I feel stress almost everyday, education, lack of sleep, family issues in different kind of sort. When it comes to family issue, taken yourself out of the situation. Listening to music, sleeping, thinking logically not emotionally is a good choice.”
Colan, retiree

“Couple of times a week, I concern about world related issues, Brexit, poverty, homelessness. Some people got billion, some people got nothing, it is very sad. I punch to get rid of it.”
Justin, office manager

“Work stress in the office, lots of conflicting demands, but not very often, depends on what I am working on. Some times I need to have some time to relax, in the middle of the day before go back to the office. Like I am doing now, I come here for lunch, enjoy the sunshine and walk around in the city.”