The BAME LGBT group Glitter Cymruan organize an online photo exhibition all around self-care.

Glitter Cymruan put up an online photo exhibition for LGBT history month to urge Bame LGBT people looking after themselves more in this difficult time.
A social support group for LGBT+ ethnic minority people Glitter Cymruan in Cariff, Wales. Although this year will see events moving online during Covid, Glitter Cymruan still wants to defend the rights of LGBT+ethnic minorities.

“It’s specifically for LGBT people who are ethnic minorities, ” says Vish, who was the Glitter Cymru founder. ” Covid is a terrible thing. But we’re not letting that stop us from having our community. We’re still meeting online, and for now it’s the safest way.
Vish said:”I got some photos already. The photos might be, they are riding a bicycle around town. So we don’t need that disability particularly. I think minority people who are LGBT taking care of themselves, so that’s the most important point of the exhibition is to show.”

A leading LGBT equality charity found 51% of BAME LGBT people had faced discrimination or poor treatment from the wider LGBT+ community. This issue was found to be greater for Black LGBT+ people where the figure rises to 61%.
In this online photo exhibition, Glitter Cymruan also wanted to provide a needed space for ethnic minority LGBT+ people to feel acknowledged, feels safe and show themselves.
Abderrahim El habachi who is a volunteer and committee member at Glitter Cymru said: “ The people of colour and ethnic minority here, in colourful wealth in particular and increasing. And take in space if you want as well. And maybe this exhibition can be a part of our history in the future.”

Starting in summer 2016, Glitter Cymru was created host monthly meetups for ethnic minority Welsh queer people to get together and share their thoughts. Since last February, they have decided to move everything online in order to keep it safe.
Glitter Cymruan has decided set to release its first website on February 15, the site will be home to this photo exhibition. The Glitter Cymru founder Vish says this year, it’s a bit different, because they launching their own website which provide more details about their aimed, operation and the creativity aspect.