Intaking sweet food can make people feel happy, so why not have some delicious desserts in this cold weather?

Palette is a sweet store across the street from the castle, which is full of ice cream and cakes. Before the covid time it only sells ice cream, but now it also has different types of desert and main deals.

Opposite the Cardiff castle, a steady stream of tourists come here to buy tasty sweety. There is two staff in Palette. “Besides the tourist, there are also many frequenters buying food here every day.” said staff Kelly.

The best seller of Palette is ice cream, especially strawberry and chocolate flavor. With the increase in the variety of products, the sweet store offers muffins and cupcakes.
“I sincerely recommend clients to have a try with our special brownie and red velvet cake. We use quality materials and good craft to do them which are worth buying.” Said another staff.

At that moment, one of the customers is buying the red velvet, said that he and his daughter were satisfied with the delicacy cake, “my daughter is fascinated with it now.”

The store operated for nearly one year. It existed for some years but closed for the covid epidemic. After the end of Cardiff’s lockdown, the shop was re-opened by the current shop owner who comes from Armenia.
Compared to the previous business model, the owner prefers multi-commercial operations. In summer, people like eating ice cream, so that the shop is in good working condition. Customers may want to taste other things when the weather gets colder. A wide range of dishes to ensure that the business is not affected by the season.

“I hope we can continue making profits in the next months. That’s why I choose to come here. I’m from Grace but you know, due to the economic depression we even can’t make money there.” Kelly said.
“In addition, I enjoy working here. Many customers like to chat with us. Some of them come every day and buy the same food, tell me what happened today, what makes them excited and frustrated. ”

“Chatting with customers gives me the sense of connecting with Cardiff, a sense of belonging. I feel that I am a part of their daily life. I also hope people can feel better when they ate our desserts.” Kelly also mentioned.