Award-wining Fabulous Welshcakes only bakes Welsh cakes and sells them in Cardiff Bay and Cardiff Castle Arcade, treating customers from all over the world to the taste of Wales.

A welcoming sweet aroma invites passersby to pause, while the shop itself constantly bustles with customers. Fabulous Welshcakes, a cherished Cardiff favourite, makes small batches of Welsh cakes from all natural ingredients before your eyes on a cast iron griddle.

“Fabulous Welshcakes began in the home garden of the founder, Jo Roberts cooking them as wedding favors at her home,” said Eleni Jones, the store supervisor of the Castle Arcade shop. Around 25 years ago, Roberts opened her first shop in Cardiff Bay, and the Castle Arcade shop was opened about six years ago.

The circular cakes with currants have been a tea-time favourite in Wales since the latter half of 19th Century. As the men went off to the coal mines, the lady of the household would prepare Welsh cakes to be served with afternoon tea. They were also packed for children’s school lunches.
In five to seven minutes, a new batch of Welsh cakes is ready. People continuously gather around the griddle, many of whom are repeat customers. They are drawn in by the taste of these treats which have a moist texture and go down easily.
But what makes these Welsh cakes tantalizing, keeping customers coming back for more? The secret lies in the recipe. “Roberts created the recipe herself, known only to the kitchen staff in Barry. Each morning, freshly made Welsh cakes are delivered to the shop, and we cook them,” explained Emily Clarke, a shop assistant at the Cardiff Bay shop.

In addition to the traditional combination of flour, butter, sultanas, caster sugar, and mixed spice, Fabulous Welshcakes also does its own interpretations. “We introduce various flavours to modernise it and let everyone enjoy the Welsh cake, ” Eleni said.
Fabulous Welshcakes offers different flavours every day. “There is always traditional, one with chocolate, and one without chocolate. The traditional flavour is the most popular, and the milk and chocolate flavour is the second,” Eleni added. Vegan, gluten-free, and even dog-friendly options are also available.

Fabulous Welshcakes attracts locals and global visitors. Quinn Williams, a local customer, said, “I work at the Clubhouse in Cardiff Bay. On my way home, I often come here to buy Welsh cakes. My mum can also cook the Welsh cake, and I’ve liked it since I was a child.”
Veen Kaur and her family from Bristol also shared a fondness for Fabulous Welshcakes. “We visit Cardiff for sightseeing and come to this Welsh cake shop specifically. This is my second visit, and this time I want my kids to try their delectable cakes,” Veen said.
“We also have a shop in Japan. One of our customers, who had bought our Welsh cakes in Japan, visited our Castle Arcade shop when he came to Wales. It’s amazing,” Eleni recalled.

The rising cost of living has impacted many shops in the UK, including Fabulous Welshcakes. “The price of everything is going up, even the ingredients of the Welsh cakes, such as the butter,” said Eleni. “We had to adjust the price about a year ago, rising from 50p to 60p each. Despite this, we try to keep the price as low as possible for our customers.”

For Fabulous Welshcakes, it’s not only about running a business, but also about promoting the rich heritage and culture of Wales.
“It’s really important to preserve our traditions. There are new buildings and new restaurants all the time, which make the city modern, but we also have traditional things,” said Emily. “We get lots of tourists in Cardiff, the capital city of Wales, so it’s nice for them to experience something traditional like the Welsh cake.”