Accessible price with sufficient amount of tasty food, how visitors spot these restaurants in Cardiff?
Five different regions’ restaurants in Cardiff with a low price and fabulous taste that not many people know will be covered in this story.

1. Cardiff Bakestones
Multiple choices of fresh Welsh cakes in the Cardiff Market are the characteristic sign of this restaurant, compared to Welsh cakes in the supermarket, they are undoubtly more fresh and healthy. In addition, it also provides various types of fresh scones, delicious homemade cakes, tarts and delicious muffins.

2. Little Man Cafe
What makes the coffee in this café different from the other is that it uses the “light bake” to roast coffee bean, so coffees it makes tastes much softer and less acid. The little man café is located in front of bridge accommodation and the back side of St. David. It attracts a large number of local people and students due to its outstanding location.

3.Hanoi 1991
Customers are able to try nearly all the famous Vietnam’s food in the restaurant containing egg coffee, iced Vietnam coffee, Vietnam baguette and pho which is a well-know Vietnam noodles. Walk into the Hanoi 1991, the decorations enable customers to experience an exotic atmosphere. Except for delicious cuisines, outdoor seating in the Arcade under glorious sunlight is one of the attractive characters of this restaurant.

4.Thai Asian Delish
The owner of this restaurant is from Thailand as well as the staffs so they make more authentic Thailand dishes. During the lunch time, it always has a long queue – not just the Asian but also the local will come and grab a bite. Especially in the winter, having a hot and exotic Thailand curry or soup helps customers warm their body and stomach.

5.the Elmer’s Cafe
Visitors are interested in English breakfast, this unique British restaurant still deserves to have a visit as a way to experience British lifestyle from the local customers in this Cathay’s restaurant. The owner of this café is nearly familiar with their customers as they are almost live nearby and visit this café several times.