Generation Z seems to remain sane on Black Friday

With the rise of the Black Friday shopping holiday, the accompanying no-buy-anything day is becoming more and more valued

Black Friday has officially begun in Cardiff, with businesses showcasing big discounts to boost consumer spending, but many people still say it’s important to keep spending wisely at times like these.

St David’s, Cardiff’s most iconic shopping mall, for example, has more than a dozen merchandise brands discounted by fifty per cent. Even the restaurants in the mall have started sales for the traditional holiday.

Spurred on by consumerism, there are still sober people who speak out and say, “Originally, Black Friday was a one-day flash mob, but now it’s gone bad, and the shopping day lasts for half a month, and I don’t feel the discounts at all, only the overspending.”

The mall is full of things to see and do, and even during the day the mall gathers quite a crowd. Very big discount posters are put up on the shop fronts to go ahead and attract people to come in and spend their money.

Another international student said, “I was looking forward to Black Friday as I had heard that it was a big day, but after shopping around, I found that there were very few items in stock with really big discounts and it was hard to get them, and even some of the items were discounted more or less the same as usual, and we weren’t allowed to stack student discounts on top of each other, although discounts on previous sales were permitted. “

More and more Gen Z’s on the internet are launching spontaneous campaigns about not buying anything on Black Friday, believing that consumerism-fuelled overspending brings nothing but remorse and impulsiveness.