ATMA café is holding an event for people in search of relaxation, self-realisation and spirituality.

Residents in Cardiff who want to relax and embark on a journey of self-realisation can attend a meditation and spiritual talk at a local café.
Located on Queens street, ATMA café holds Mindful Mondays every week on different topics about the Hare Krishna faith. The topic for this week will be about the soul.

Erin Nash, a staff at ATMA café said, “A lot of people these days want to go traveling and find themselves out in the world. But actually, a lot of the people I know and who have been traveling had said that the best journey you can go on is the one inward.”
The Adventure Within, which is the topic for the spiritual talk next Monday focusses on teaching participants how to focus on themselves, and understand themselves and their own problems better.

Tarakanatha Dasa slap bang, a monk and also the owner of ATMA café is the speaker for next week’s spiritual conversation.
Following the talk, there will be a guided meditation and mantra meditation. And the event ends with every participant having a vegan meal together.

Ms. Misrani, who has helped to cultivate the café will be leading guided meditation. She has been practicing Bhakti yoga for over 20 years.
During a guided meditation, everyone sits with their eyes closed. Generally, there will be a person who leads participants through a visual meditation.
Erin goes on to explain how visual meditation works. “Someone might describe you being on a beach or in a forest. And you’ll kind of imagine that in your head. And that makes you more peaceful. You feel like you’re in a different situation.”
Apart from that, there will also be a mantra meditation.
“A lot of people find it hard to sit down, be quiet and focus inwards. But [with mantra meditation] you get a lot of energy out of it. You share an experience with others. You sing. It’s very uplifting.”

Originated in India, the Hare Krishna mantra meditation is very simple. A person would lead as others sing along. While most people sang, some of the participants will play instruments.
“It is a good way for people to meet like-minded people who have the same interest.” Erin Nash, full-time staff at ATMA café who is also a devotee of Hare Krishna said.
In a busy city like Cardiff, it can be hard for locals to find a place to relax, ponder, engage in deep conversation and focus on themselves. Luckily, programmes like this offer an alternative to the busy city lifestyle.
Are you ready to explore a journey inward? Find out more next Monday!
Learn more about the ATMA café event: The Adventure Within
Facebook page: @atmacafe