The changing culture around smoking must be realised and understood. To vape or not to vape– that is the question.

According to the World Health Organisation, there has been a small but significant shift in the smoking habits of people across the globe since 2000. The number of people who smoke regularly has gone down from 1.14 billion to 1.1 billion.
A lot of this has to do with the new vaping culture that has taken over the smokers’ ecosphere with 35 million people doing it globally. In a survey led by Ersnt and Young, most of those who were asked about vaping said they use it to curb their habits of using conventional cigarettes.
When the Office of National Statistics conducted a survey, people aged 16 and above (60.8%) who currently smoked said they wanted to quit smoking altogether. Though vapes and e-cigarettes help, the views on these gadgets are quite divided. We took to the streets of Cardiff this afternoon to see what people actually preferred and why.
Shiela, 56
“I have tried the vapes and honestly, I didn’t do very well with them. If anything, I felt a bit of nausea and got some nasal problems. I didn’t feel well with them at all. I smoked the menthol ones and I become all blotchy after using them.”
Esther, 23
“I don’t smoke but I would much rather prefer people vaping or using e-cigarettes simply because they’re healthier, I think, because that way at least I am not smoking passively. Besides, they don’t smell as bad as tobacco cigarettes do.”
Helen, 51
“I wouldn’t consider switching to a vape at all because I like smoking, the good old smoking. I don’t particularly want to quit smoking either.”
Chris, 50
“I gave up smoking 6 years ago and then I started again. Vaping has helped me curb my instincts and I have almost completely quit smoking.”
Jayne, 18
I smoke the normal tobacco cigarette because of my mental health and when I smoke, it calms me down. I have tried the vape before but I would rather stick with the conventional cigarettes.”
Clea, 43
“The vape just doesn’t do it for me. Every time I do it, it makes me cough. It makes me crave another cigarette anyway. I don’t think I’d be able to stick to it at all.”