Randomly parked cars on the side of the road could lead to a restaurant being forced to close its doors.
Raj Patel who runs the Vegetarian Food Studio in Riverside says that the removal of double yellow lines has led to parking chaos in the area.
“Since August, people have been parking work vehicles and cars on this street, causing parking problems for customers and disrupting food deliveries. The lorries are forced to unload in the middle of the road, which is a safety hazard,” said Raj.

His complaints revolves around a small section of Blaenclydach Street which had double yellow lines on one side and single yellow lines on the other, restricting parking from 8am to 6.30pm.
After resurfacnig the double yellow lines were not repainted, making the restrictions unenforceable. This situation has led to unrestricted roadside parking, says Mr Patel.

A nearby Chinese supermarket has similar problems, with vehicles blocking its entrance and causing operational problems.
Mr Patel blames the council for failing to reinstate the yellow lines and signs immediately. He says: “Our business is at a standstill. I’ve had enough. If this goes on, we’ll have to close and 12 people will lose their jobs.”

A spokesman for Cardiff Council said the 20mph markings had to be removed according to Welsh Government regulations and that this resulted in “the loss of other road markings on a small section of the carriageway.”
A Cardiff Council spokesman said Welsh Government regulations required the 20mph markings to be removed, resulting in the “disappearance of other markings on a small section of carriageway.”

According to Wales Online, Cardiff City Council will reinstate the markings “in accordance with the legal requirements of this road”, adding that “no vehicles will be allowed to wait on the single yellow line section and no vehicles will be allowed to wait on the double yellow line section between 8am and 6.30pm.”