Take a trip down memory lane at the Olde Sweet Shoppe, on Penarth’s Victorian era pier

Penarth could be described as Cardiff by the sea, where it’s sandy plains on low tide and it’s Victorian era pier offer a throwback to a by-gone era.
Phil Reece is the owner of the Olde Sweet Shoppe on Penarth Pier which taps into our internal hunger for nostalgia. From here he sells everything you could think of to satisfy your sweet tooth, from bonbons to chocolate fudge – Phil has it all on offer.

When you walk inside his little shop you are confronted with the vast range of colour from his sweet selection, the muffled distortion of his archaic jukebox and of course Mr. Reece’s radiant smile.

The shop is stacked top to bottom with glass jars of every imaginable colour and sweet you could get your hands on. He also specialises in throwback prank kits such as sneezing powder, black soap and wobbly pencils amongst other things. If you wanted to get a glimpse of how children entertained themselves before the days of technology, look no further then here!
“We have a lot of stuff here, it really all depends, but by far the most popular things we sell are humbugs and bonbons,” said Mr. Reece.

He has been operating this shop for 25 years, the original sweetshop opened in 1930. His shop is exactly the kind of place where your grandparents would have gone with a few pennies, and they would come home with a bag of sweets to satisfy their cravings.
Penarth is a very tranquil and beautiful place and Mr. Reece’s shop is a reason in itself to visit.

“During the weekdays we get mainly locals. At the weekends often people walk or cycle out from Cardiff and spend some time around Penarth, if it’s a nice day.”
Being located on the Victorian Pier itself Mr. Reece generally has an excellent custom when the sun is out. Mr. Reece operates the shop mainly by himself. At peak times he employs a part time member of staff to help satisfy Penarth’s sweet tooth.

For anyone new coming to Cardiff, Penarth’s Olde Sweet Shoppe and of course Mr. Phil Reece himself are two absolute hidden gems that you should make it your mission to uncover. Get yourself a bike or a good pair of walking shoes, pick a nice afternoon and make the trip out – you won’t regret it.

The Olde Sweet Shoppe, 4 The Esplanade, Penarth CF64 3AU, United Kingdom.
Opening Hours: Everyday 10 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Please visit The Olde sweet Shoppe’s Facebook and Instagram pages for more information