It’s not too late to set some goals after you failed to stick to your New Year’s resolutions; stick to these easy hacks.

At the end of each and every year, the catchphrase “New Year, New Me” bombards our thoughts, which is why we end up setting goals and waiting for the next year to accomplish them. However, studies have shown that only 36% of us stick to these goals; and the rest abandon them after only one month.
Thus, by the time you’re reading this article, there’s a huge possibility that you might be one of these 64% who have already decided to forget about their New Year’s resolutions. But, lucky for you, Nadia Petkova, who is a Cardiff fitness expert, has provided us with some easy tips that you can follow in order to lead a healthier lifestyle.
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- Don’t be too restrictive: It can be hard to maintain. You might end up putting a lot of pressure on yourself, which can negatively affect your wellbeing by causing stress and negativity. “Ease into it; that’s what I keep telling my clients,” says Petkova.
- Try to compensate: It’s all about keeping the right balance in your diet. When you eat something that you know, it’s not healthy; you still have a chance to make it better. “If you’ve had too much chocolate, try to compensate by eating a salad, for example,” says Petkova.
- Cook instead of eating take out:Who knows, you might enjoy it. You can explore and try new healthy cooking methods that you might end up liking. If you’re the one who’s cooking, you’ll be responsible for what gets in your diet. “Try to include nutrient-dense food in your food,” says the expert.
- Focus on a healthy mindset: Think before doing and have positive thoughts. It is necessary to have a balanced mindset, along with a healthy lifestyle. Remember, being healthy is not about your diet only. “Try meditation or yoga,” says the fitness expert.
- Find a hobby: Again, explore! It can take your mind off stress and negative thoughts. You’ll be distracted by something that you love. “A hobby can reduce stress and increase motivation,” says, “it doesn’t have to
- Find an exercise that you like: You’ll be enjoying the activity while making progress. You don’t have to go to the gym and lift weights; you might want to dance or hike. “It’s about you and what you enjoy doing,” says Petkova.
- Set Long term goals: Goals keep you driven. Short term goals don’t have that much importance as they can be easily forgotten. “Write them down if you want; you’ll find yourself always getting back to them,” says the fitness expert.

At the end of the day, you don’t need a new year to start caring for your wellbeing. With a little dedication, you can easily follow these simple tips and work towards leading a happy, healthy lifestyle.