Christmas is approaching fast now and one great way to enter the festive mood is definitely to go watch Narnia brought to theatre.

Director: Rachel O’Riordan
Dramatized by: Theresa Heskins
Runtime: 1h45
“Always winter, never Christmas”
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, one chapter of the famous Narnia saga written by CS Lewis, has been brilliantly brought to the Sherman Theatre stage this Christmas by director Rachel O’Riordan.
The play opens at a train station with the four children, Lucy, Susan, Edmund and Peter ready to embark away from their parents due to the war. Their saddened mother is crying to their departure and then before you really have time to realize it, the play turns into a musical with all the actor suddenly singing. When you think you couldn’t be more surprised, some of them disappear backstage and come back playing live music.
This original adaptation truly captivated me from beginning to end. Having both read the book and watched the movie I couldn’t stop comparing in my mind while watching and I was truly amazed to see them able to recreate most of the events depicted in the book and movie.
The technical aspect of the play was as well brilliant with the elements on the stage being able to rotate and the so important lamp post coming down from the ceiling when needed. The energy of the cast, the live music and the singing parts will blow your mind away and you will live the auditorium hoping for a sequel to come to life.
Verdict: Even though this play might a bit violent for young kids at some points, it is amazingly executed and would for sure make both kids and parents have a wonderful time. So go get a ticket and dive through the wardrobe with Lucy, Aslan, Mr Tumnus and the evil White Witch!
Additional info: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe can be seen from the 4th to the 31st of December at the Sherman Cymru. Prices go from £15 to £25 with children and under 25s paying half price.