Voting has begun for the innaugral cycling awards, does this mark a new beginning for cycling in Cardiff?

Cyclists finally get to celebrate the best and the worst of cycling in Cardiff and on 19th December we will know who the debut winners are.
Cardiff Cycle City‘s new awards began with hundreds of nominations to appreciate what they loved in the city and also to fix things that bothered cyclists. The awards have five categories, from the biggest contribution to improving cycling all the way to the worst junction for cyclists. The final shortlist is announced and the potential of these awards is immense.
Christian Amodeo from I Loves The ‘Diff said, “I can imagine and I hope that in ten years time there won’t be room for the likes of I Loves The ‘Diff to sponsor an award because the awards will have grown so much and become a much more established and significant event.”

The shortlist of problems mentioned by people is being voted upon, however the organizers have passed the full list if problematic potholes and junctions to the Cardiff City Council.
Awards such as the worst street/path for potholes in Cardiff brings attention to the hazards cyclists face on the road and generates deliberation on how cycle friendly the city is. The engagement of businesses and authorities will ensure that people consider problems by cyclists more seriously. Gwenda Owen from Cardiff Cycle City said, “It’s a brilliant initiative, we’re pleased to see how many people have engaged so far.”

Businesses like NextBike have promoted a healthy cycling experience in the city to amateur cyclists, Cardiff CTC said, “Identifying and celebrating success are as vital to cycling in Cardiff as raising awareness.”
The awards are a step in the right direction for cycling within the city. Gareth Thomas from Cardiff Social Cycling said, “Shaming can’t hurt, social media pressure seems to be a way of getting stuff done these days.” All five awards are handmade and you can help by voting here.

In a city where cycling is blooming and suffering at the same time, these awards are set bring winds of change to make cycling more accessible and enjoyable for every Cardiff resident. You can book the tickets here and check the full list of nominees here.