Young people are calling for adults to rethink their excessive shopping to protect the environment.

Hundreds of teenagers took part in a protest demonstration on Black Friday to urge adults to reduce their unnecessary consumption to protect the environment.
They assembled and came to the Cardiff city center. They sat on the square between St David and John Levis and shouted out their protest slogan. This protest is aiming at to encourage people to rethink their choice whether they are buying the things on impulse, as the excessive consumption may cause serious climate chage.

It’s about our future!” said Cari Hill, who is only 13 years old, she come here with her friends but no parents. She said her parents encourage her to take part in this event. “The more protest we do, the less consuming they do.
“The adults could buy everything they want, because they don’t know the weakness what they’ve done. So we have to list their mistakes. We need to protect our future and protest agaist the adults saying ‘No! You are doing something wrong, you need to fix your mistakes and help us have a better future. Even though I want to buy some toys but I know it’s really wrong”

17-year-old Rayna and 16-year-old Jean are also in the protests. They hope the protest event could put pressure on the government tackling with the increasing excessive consuming trend. “Black Friday encouraged people to buy a lot of stuff they don’t really need, so that they grow a huge risk and the strike makes people rethink their decisions.
“Climate change is here but not everybody knows about climate change and as it runs make people more aware In the past I bought a lot uneccesssary things too, but I don’t do it anymore, I won’t buy anything today because I just don’t need it.”
Claire who is 35- year-old complaints that Black Friday makes her spend more. “I just come down and I need nothing, but I spent the money because it is a deal. I agree with the teenagers, waste will be caused by plastic packaging and does harm to the climate. Black Friday could be canceled , even it is cheap but it will be cheaper after Christmas.”