Endometriosis affects one in ten women globally, then why do people refuse to accept its reality?

An activist in Cardiff is raising awareness about Endometriosis by using beautiful wall art as a tool to inform the masses.
Jaimee Rae McCormack, was at one point told by sceptics like her very own GP that she might be a hypochondriac. She has now almost completed her second ‘Endowall’ in a cafe called Sunflower and I based in Cardiff Bay that intends to spread awareness about endometriosis.
“I may not be able to fix all of my problems but I certainly could do something to raise awareness,” she says as she intends to tackle all the confusion around the mere existence of this medical condition.
Endometriosis is not a problem that many are aware of, Jaimee says, “It is when cells acting like the lining of your womb move and grow outside the womb. It’s like fireworks exploding inside you.”
Jaimee was told by her GP that it was all in her ‘head’ after her second operation. “It took a toll on my own mental health, I started to think maybe it was all in my head after all,” says Jaimee. However, she has come a long way since, with two more operations and now dreams of an EndoWall in every educational institution.

“I began searching for something, anything to bring some light on this dark situation,” she says as she explains how she chose to start the EndoWall The Rising Awareness movement through vibrant, eye-catching art.
Street and wall art are by no means the only way to reach out to the society, so she made her presence felt through social media websites like Instagram. She says, “Social media initially brought some mixed responses but as I explained, more positivity flooded in.”

She still believes there are a number of problems that EndoWarriors like her face, one of them is that the disease is linked to the menstrual cycle. She also thinks gender plays a role, “‘I’m sad to say it but I think that if this condition was affecting as many men as it is women, that more would have been done about it a long time ago.”
Financial support is tough to find for Jaimee, she raises money by selling beautiful postcards of her EndoWalls. Anybody who wishes to support the cause through fundraisers or just in social media are welcome to do so, as any and all help makes lives of EndoWarriors easier.

She wishes to grow her community over the next year so there is unifying force among the group of victims, leading to a more hopeful future for anyone affected by Endometriosis. Jaimee says, “I may not see a cure for Endometriosis but the unity between the Endo community and those that want to help, has been incredible this past year.”