Siop Sero non-profit shops provide an excellent start to becoming more environmentally aware.

An emporium of goodies awaits shoppers on Albany Road; walls are lined with dispensers containing anything needed for day-to-day life ranging from soap to pasta, an interactive experience that even the children can get involved without having to worry “this is a shop you can make a mess in!” asserts staff member Lauren.
As the population becomes more environmentally conscious, more and more people are looking for ways to reduce their impact on the Earth. Zero waste shops like Siop Sero, which has locations in Rhiwbina and Roath serves Cardiff: offering food, toiletries and other local products, giving shoppers a more sustainable option as part of their grocery shop.

The store offers a portal into a whole new lifestyle for customers who wander into their branches, that prompts new consciousness into how much waste is in your weekly supermarket shop, especially considering the volume of single use plastics in packaging.
In adjusting consumer habits, people can benefit from having greater focus on their values and mindfulness for the earth, which is welcomed by staff member Lauren “Everyone that comes in cares about the environment, and they care about what they put in their body…so you already share something important in common”.

There is a received idea that environmentally conscious living is not accessible due to its expense, however Siop Sero quashes that stereotype, jampacked full of affordable pleasant surprises that are unmissable- Lauren highlighted what a bargain the herbs and spices are in comparison what is on offer at the supermarkets.

Staff will welcome you and guide through the mechanisms of the dispensers, and you can leave with a trove of treats that also do good for the Earth.