Consuming too much unhealthy food can lead to being overweight even linked to an increased risk of developing cancer.

According to the Cancer Research UK, millions of people are at risk of developing cancer due to their weight, and obesity now causes more cases of four common types than smoking.
Some health and children’s groups have proposed that the government should impose taxes on foods with high salt or sugar content to address obesity.
Cakes, sweets, biscuits, crisps and savoury snacks which contains too much sugar and slat can is harmful to people’s health, especially for children.
“The damage the food industry is doing to children’s health is the biggest threat to our nation’s wellbeing and future productivity and this needs to be reined in – urgently” said, Anna Taylor, the executive of the Food Foundation.
We ask the public for their opinions on unhealthy food and whether they control the intake of unhealthy food consciously.
Paro, 21, student

“I personally don’t eat unhealthy food. I’m trying to watch my weight. And I will look at ingredients list as well as nutrition facts when I buy food. But for Boba, I will choose hundred percent sugar. It’s the only thing that I like sugary.”
Mcdermid, 53, software architect

“My wife is pretty careful of my daughter. She is concerned about how much sugar my daughter has in her diet and we try to limit sugar in her diet. We want to make sure she eats plenty of fruits and vegetables. And we often make her lunch for school and make sure she drinks water so she can’t have fizzy drinks all the time. For me, I very occasionally have quick meals, maybe once every two weeks. “
Gabrielle, 26, dental nurse

“I have babies and they eat nutritious, I always make meals for them. But today I’m so busy that I’ve didn’t bring food to them. I hate the fact that I’ve given them quick meal because it’s so high in salt. I will check the salt saturation and the grams when I buy food. Like, me and my partner take no sugar coffee and breakfast cereals.”