Arts and Crafts: A new project to be creative and happy

There are opportunities of arts and crafts for people who want to be artists

A Cardiff charity is trying to encourage people over 55 years old to discover their artistic side. 

The Fullness Project is being run by SRCDC with a mission to get people in Riverside, Grangetown and Canton to try their hand at new arts and crafts.

People can use lots of materials to do arts and crafts, such as felting, jelly board, printing and ceramic. They can explore their own potential and enjoy the fun of art in a happy environment.

“If someone from other area in Cardiff, or young people, we all welcome. We want to all kinds of people be together to have a communication,” said Charlie, who is running this project.

Charlie, the project constitutor

This project is not just only the fun activities. Providing fun activities is to be able to signpost people off to helpful services. Residents have the chance to communicate and learn the deeper needs each other in a relaxed atmosphere.

“If someone discloses that they are struggling to put food on the table. Then I can tell them about food banks. Or some women who struggling domestic violence, we can help them in some way,” said Charlie.

The whole purpose of this project is to reduce social isolation and feeling lonely. It will help residents to improve their physical and mental health.

Additional support for residents is helpful for them to feel being part of community and raise their morale.

‘If anything I can do to raise people experience, to help people feel friendships, I will feel very happy.” said Charlie.