New partnership established for Flat Holm island

Flat Holm island will now be maintained by the RSPB and the National Trust

Flat Holm island just off Penarth is set to have it’s guardianship passed on to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and the National Trust.
The Council last night agreed to set up a partnership between the RSPB, who will lease the island for 30 years, and the National Trust to take over the running of the island in collaboration with the Flat Holm Society.
The island, an area of historical value to Wales, served as an isolation hospital during WW2 and was also defended by troops when anti-aircraft batteries were set up to incept German bombers headed for Cardiff.
Councillor Bob Derbyshire, cabinet member for the environment said: “The island is of course historic in terms of its buildings, and was used during the time of the Napoleonic war. A number of those building are now falling into despair.
“The scale of partnership is a very exciting project.”
Flat Holm island was believed to be very costly to the council and was earmarked for possible sale in 2013 to help balance the books.
Cllr Derbyshire added: “The partnership will be more financially secure and provide sustainability for the island.
“The buildings of the island can now come alive again and become an asset to everyone.
“The position of the island is something that has been neglected for a long time and now something is being done about that”.