PLAID Cymru still claims the Channel View leisure centre is under threat, even though the idea has been rejected by the Cardiff council cabinet member in charge of community development.
Labour councillor Peter Bradbury said the claim, made by Plaid in a leaflet and online ahead of the Grangetown by-election, was “scandalous”.
Grangetown councillor Lynda Thorne had asked Coun Bradbury, cabinet member for community development, co-operatives and social enterprise, whether there was any truth in the claim.
He answered: “I am delighted that the member for Grangetown has brought to my attention the totally fictitious claim by Plaid Cymru as I want to make it perfectly clear – and I repeat – there are no plans to close Channel View leisure centre.”
“It’s absolutely scandalous,” added Coun Bradbury, who called for the leaflet being distributed by Plaid to be retracted.
But Plaid AM and councillor Neil McEvoy tweeted yesterday: “Channel View: we don’t believe u. A written policy and resource I will trust. Why haven’t you done that?”
Open since 2002, Channel View is the only sports and leisure centre in Grangetown. It is also home to Grangetown play centre which had been under threat after funding cuts.
However, the residents of Grangetown campaigned to save the facility and in September the council
agreed to fund the centre until it can be moved to Grangetown Nursery School.
“I am pleased to confirm that the transfer of Grangetown play centre to Grangetown Nursery School is progressing well,” Coun Bradbury in a council meeting last month.
The handover plan includes about £60,000 worth of building and maintenance work.
Coun Bradbury said: “Until the transfer takes place there will be no changes to play arrangements and the current play building is open as usual.”

The future of Channel View leisure centre in Grangetown is under dispute.